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The EU’s decision to impose definitive countervailing duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs) for a period of five years has sparked strong opposition. During an interview with China News Network, Michael Schumann, chairman of the Board of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, noted that they do not lie in the interest of the people in Europe.

He further explained that there's not a unified position inside the EU, and quite a few countries are being held hostage by American interests. In addition, Chinese-made EVs have been geopolitically framed, leading to this regrettable situation right now. (Chen Tianhao)


进入中国市场近30年,对百年美企江森自控来说,中国已成为江森自控全球供应链不可或缺的部分。江森自控亚太区采购副总裁张美接受中新财经专访时表示,中国制造业发展水平十分领先,供应商的全面性在世界其他市场很难找到对手,把产业链向中国以外转移,看不到太大的优势,还存在很多不确定性。(宫宏宇 程春雨 张东方 莫红娥 孟湘君)